Hownot to dress especially at work

Lets learn something from one of my resource persons;
Lori Kocoon a human resource expert was once talking about the way people dress to work and how this may affect their business affairs and said that If you come in with piercing in your tongue, I won't hear a word you're saying because I'll be completely focused on how much that must have hurt.". Well this simply trying to tell us that we can tell how serious one is at work by the way they dress at work. He also agreed that the work place lately become more casual but he also stated that there ought to be a limit to the causality of the way we dress to work, although considering that what you wear to work depends on your industry, company, geographic region and the activities you have planned f bbbbor the day, most image consultants and corporate executives agree that there are basic standards everyone should follow.
Well incase your guilty of this facts and know not what to do here are 15 ways of dressing to work that youshoulddreallyyreallyy avoid when dressing to work:
1. Underwear as outerwear. Camisoles or visible bra straps and lingerie scream "eek!" not "chic!"
2. Workout gear. Save your muscle shirts and spandex for the gym.
3. Soiled, stained or rumpled clothing. Neatness counts. Better to wear less expensive clothing that is immaculately cleaned and pressed than to sport designer grunge.
4. Shorts. Whether of the Bermuda or Daisy Duke variety, wearing shorts to work is just plain wrong.
5. Tattoos. Celebrities like Angelina Jolie have made tattoos seem almost mainstream, but many people are still put off by them. Best to keep yours under wraps or disguised with a heavy spray-on makeup made expressly to conceal tattoos.
6. Extreme hair color. Natural looking highlights are fine, but never dye your hair blue, magenta or other colors not found in nature.
7. Too much cologne. A strong scent is a turnoff to most people. Best to forgo fragrance and opt for the clean smell of soap.
8. Long, fake or wild-colored nails. Keep your nails short and neat. Avoid nail decals, black polish or "Elvira" length nails.
9. Grungy beards. In general, most companies prefer clean-shaven men to, say, ZZ Top. If you just can't part with your facial hair, at least keep it neatly trimmed. (And for gosh-sakes check in the mirror after eating that powder-sugared doughnut!)
10. Micro-miniskirts. Make sure there is no more than three or four inches between knee and hem. You want to be able to sit without giving a peep show.
11. Overly revealing attire. Too little is too much. Breasts, back and arms should be covered. Avoid overly snug fits by making sure there is at least one inch of room between body and fabric.
12. Athletic socks with street shoes. Men, the devil's in the details. People notice these things!
13. Body piercing. Studies show that most people view body jewelry as unprofessional and that people with multiple piercings are less likely to be hired or promoted.
14. Bare midriff. Make sure there is at least one-inch of room between body and fabric and that your shirt it is long enough to conceal your midriff. Let your clothes show off your good taste -- not your six-pack abs.
15. Low-rise pants. "Plumber's crack" is not acceptable anywhere. Period.
Finally, as a rule of thumb: If you have any doubt whether something you have on is Bappropriate -- go back and change.
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