The "Eight T´s"
By Jim Cathcart
There are eight elements necessary for a person to be truly
empowered to win. I call these the "Eight T´s".
Target - Know where you want to go and why. There must be a
clear goal, dream or outcome which directs one´s energies
toward improvement. Until there is a clear target our energies
are dissipated and weakened through lack of focus.
Tools - Get the tools necessary to do the job well. Without
the right tools even the best artist, technician or performer
would be less than they could be. Imagine attempting to build
a business without a telephone or computer. With the best
tools, they can be more than anyone imagined. Think of what
the internet has done for researchers.
Training - Learn how to put the tools to their highest and
best use. Teach them how to think about their task and how to
master their craft. Talent without training doesn´t form into
Time - Take enough time to do it right. Sometimes training
takes a while to sink in. Let them grow into the mastery they
need. Provide the opportunity to test and develop new
abilities while keeping risk to a minimum.
Truth - Show them the ways in which they and their
performance fit into the overall scheme. Those who only know
"how" will almost always work for those who also know "why".
The more you know the higher you can go.
Trust - Give them room to grow. Trust them enough to allow
them to exert initiative but not so much that you create great
risk. Nothing advances until somebody does more than they
have done before. And nobody does more than they have done
before until someone else trusts them enough to give them the
room to experiment and grow.
Tracking - Winners always know the score. Create a
situation where they know at all times whether they are on
track or not. Let them keep their own scorecard too. As
professional speaker and author Dr. Ken Blanchard says,
"feedback is the breakfast of champions."
Touch - Celebrate their victories, help them learn from their
failures and inspire them to grow. Everything worthwhile is
done within the context of a relationship. Without the "human
touch"; support, encouragement and caring feedback, there is
no will to persist.
With these Eight T´s as a checklist you can easily determine
which elements are needed to complete the mix. A person who
has all eight is truly in a position to be self-directed.
Think of someone you would like to inspir.What do you
want to inspire them to do, specifically? Now look at the list
of Eight T´s and determine which elements are missing. With
this exercise your next steps should become obvious. Work to
provide all eight and inspiration will come.
By Jim Cathcart
There are eight elements necessary for a person to be truly
empowered to win. I call these the "Eight T´s".
Target - Know where you want to go and why. There must be a
clear goal, dream or outcome which directs one´s energies
toward improvement. Until there is a clear target our energies
are dissipated and weakened through lack of focus.
Tools - Get the tools necessary to do the job well. Without
the right tools even the best artist, technician or performer
would be less than they could be. Imagine attempting to build
a business without a telephone or computer. With the best
tools, they can be more than anyone imagined. Think of what
the internet has done for researchers.
Training - Learn how to put the tools to their highest and
best use. Teach them how to think about their task and how to
master their craft. Talent without training doesn´t form into
Time - Take enough time to do it right. Sometimes training
takes a while to sink in. Let them grow into the mastery they
need. Provide the opportunity to test and develop new
abilities while keeping risk to a minimum.
Truth - Show them the ways in which they and their
performance fit into the overall scheme. Those who only know
"how" will almost always work for those who also know "why".
The more you know the higher you can go.
Trust - Give them room to grow. Trust them enough to allow
them to exert initiative but not so much that you create great
risk. Nothing advances until somebody does more than they
have done before. And nobody does more than they have done
before until someone else trusts them enough to give them the
room to experiment and grow.
Tracking - Winners always know the score. Create a
situation where they know at all times whether they are on
track or not. Let them keep their own scorecard too. As
professional speaker and author Dr. Ken Blanchard says,
"feedback is the breakfast of champions."
Touch - Celebrate their victories, help them learn from their
failures and inspire them to grow. Everything worthwhile is
done within the context of a relationship. Without the "human
touch"; support, encouragement and caring feedback, there is
no will to persist.
With these Eight T´s as a checklist you can easily determine
which elements are needed to complete the mix. A person who
has all eight is truly in a position to be self-directed.
Think of someone you would like to inspir.What do you
want to inspire them to do, specifically? Now look at the list
of Eight T´s and determine which elements are missing. With
this exercise your next steps should become obvious. Work to
provide all eight and inspiration will come.
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