my life

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Got some vitamins for you

Hello friends today i got something real good for you,its what the philosopher,Jim Rohn,calls vitamins for the mind and the Readers digest call quotable quotes but lets say say their really important to make it through on this land we call earth and this place called the world.I'll share some of this stuff with you ,don't want to be greedy;
1. Feeling fearful is normal,reacting to it is not.
2. Our limitations and sucess will be based on our expectations for ourselves.What the mind dwells upon, the body acts upon.
3. The problem is not that there is aproblem.The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having a problem is a problem.
4.Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear,not absence of far.Except a creature be a coward it is not a compliment to say it is brave.
And lastly
5. Your reward in life will be direct proportion of to the value of service to others.


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