my life

Monday, March 27, 2006

A sight to see.

On Wednesday,the 29th of March this year few countries would experience the total eclipse of the sun.This is a rare phenomenom where the moon passes between the sun and the earth and its shadow falls on the surface of the earth,and the mighty sun's disk covers the moon.This celestial event would happen in some beautiful African countries like Togo,Benin,Nigeria, Niger, Chad,Libya,Egypt and the gateway to Africa,Ghana and also Brazil.
The moons shadow actually has 2 parts ie the penumbra[faint outer shadow] and the umbra[total shadow].Depending on ones position a partial or total eclipse is seen.
Unfortunately the whole phase would be brief lasting in Ghana for about 38 mins but its awesome and you shaould see it,when the skys twilight is replaced by the black disk of the moon,a night in the day.There may be pictures of it but its better to see for youself.The last time it happened in Ghana was 59 years ago,1947.
In Ghana it starts at 8;30 with the partial eclipse as the moon covers the first half of the sun,then the total between 9;08and9;15.
Its risky to watch with the naked eye so get your shades,binoculars, telescopes cameras are not safe so get yours.In Ghana you can get it from the Centre for Remote Sensory &Geographic Info,Services at University of Ghana,Legon and all basic and second cycle institutions.
Lets all go out on the 29th March in our shades and see the day-night phenomenom.


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